agricultural consultants


The AgriBusiness Group performs facilitation roles at all levels in the Primary Industry including working with farmers individually and in small and large groups, from paddock through to board room and strategic levels.

As facilitators, we lead and guide discussion groups, seminars and workshops with and between farmers and industry stakeholders to help them build confidence to increase practice change, own their own solutions to problems, and grow their knowledge on a subject and apply the new learning to their own situation.

Red meat profit partnership action network

The AgriBusinessGroup facilitates a number of Action Groups in the Canterbury region through the Red Meat Profit Partnership Programme.

Carbon Farming Seminars

The AgriBusiness Group facilitated three Carbon Farming Seminars on behalf of the Canterbury Mayoral Forum. We have put together information on carbon farming from our experts, farmers and reliable sources.

Photo Credit: Seed Force New Zealand

Photo Credit: Seed Force New Zealand

Facilitation of Seed Force Panel Discussion

In late winter 2019, Sarah O’Connell facilitated a farmer panel discussion organised by Seed Force for farmers to share their experiences of finishing beef cattle using fodder beet. The Seed Force team worked closely with Sarah to ensure the right questions were put to the farmers on the panel and Sarah’s knowledge of beef farming and the farmers on the panel ensured the best information was provided on the day.

The format of the afternoon involved targeting specific questions to some of the farmers on the panel about their challenges or successes they have had over the years. The audience had opportunities to ask questions throughout the afternoon ensuring they left the discussion with all the information they wanted to get.